Herbal health, health-friendly in nature, using natural resources for the treatment of various diseases

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7 Herbal Infusions For Men's Health


 7 Herbal Infusions For Men's Health
There is a lot of information out there on "women's herbs" for menopause, osteoporosis and many other ailments usually thought of as only affecting women. What you may not know, is that these herbs help both women and men. The plants work on the same areas of the body.
Below is a list of 7 common herbs that are very beneficial for men. The best way to take the herb is by drinking an infusion. What is an infusion? It is simply pouring boiling water over the herb and steeping it for the appropriate amount of time for the plant part. This pulls more minerals and vitamins from the plant for increased healing properties. Infusions also steep longer than teas. Just follow the times listed below and then strain the herb off and drink.
Herbal infusions work with your body over a long period of time to strengthen, tone and heal. So it is not uncommon to take these infusions for several months, and in some cases for a year or more. Drink 2-4 cups a day and even mix some of them to make your own special combinations!
• Nettle leaf. This basic herb reduces aches and pains. It is rich in calcium which nourishes the nerves, bones and heart. It also boosts the immune system and gives you energy. It reduces the discomfort from hay fever. It nourishes your adrenals and increases libido. Nettle leaf also relieves the pain associated with gout. Pour 1 quart boiling water over 1 ounce herb and infuse 4-8 hours.
• Oatstraw. Oatstraw is the same plant you get your oatmeal from. It nourishes the nerves and bones and can also relieve depression. It rejuvenates and energizes you. Oatstraw is rich in calcium and magnesium, so drink it at night to help you sleep. It is excellent for the heart and circulatory system. It also prevents prostate disease and erectile dysfunction. Pour 1 quart boiling water over 1 ounce herb and steep 8 hours.
• Red Clover blossoms and leaf. This herb has been used by 33 cultures around the world for cancer. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, niacin and B vitamins. It helps you relax. Pour 1 quart boiling water over 1 ounce herb. For the blossoms infuse for 2 hours, if you add the leaf then 4 hours.
• Comfrey leaf. This plant, though controversial, has helped people for centuries mend broken bones, ease sprains and prevent osteoporosis. It is also used for gastric ulcers and colitis. It reduces the inflammation of the stomach lining and helps with bronchial, pulmonary and lung conditions. Pour 1 quart boiling water over 1 ounce herb and steep 8 hours.
• Red Raspberry leaf. This herb is nourishing for your whole body. It strengthens and tones the reproductive system and good for you at any age. It is rich in calcium which is essential for your nervous system. It enhances fertility, used as a tonic for the prostate and also mends broken bones and osteoporosis. Pour 1 quart boiling water over 1 ounce herb and steep for 4-8 hours.
• Burdock root. Superior nutrition for the body. Rejuvenates your system. It heals deep within the body, so this herb needs to be taken daily for perhaps a year or more. It is used to treat cancer, kill bacteria and fungus infections. It stabilizes blood sugar. Rich in iron, magnesium and calcium. Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 ounce of herb. Cap and steep for 8 hours.
• Linden flowers. This one relieves anxiety and nourishes your gallbladder. It is used for colds and flu and to assist the immune system. Helps with indigestion, upset stomach and excessive gas. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2-3 teaspoons herb. Steep 10-15 minutes.
©2009 Shanna Ohmes
Want to know more about how to boost your immune system? Traditional diets and how to prepare them, healthy fats, herbal remedies and debunking health myths are some of the subjects covered in The Natural Living Site Newsletter at http://thenaturallivingsite.com


Herbal Medicines - Effective Alternative For Restoring Good Health


 Herbal Medicines - Effective Alternative For Restoring Good Health
In case you are tired of the dangers and side effects of prescription drugs, you might be on the lookout for alternative methods of treatments. Herbal medicines have won the user confidence in the treatment of a variety of ailments. Many of these medicines have undergone extensive clinical trials and are considered safe and effective. Be that as it may, doctors usually recommend herbal medicines only for minor day-to-day illnesses like cough, cold, fever, skin rashes, etc. Superior to most synthetic medicines these herbal medicinal products are usually 100% natural and safe.
Affordable and relatively safer, there are several governments in the word who are actively advocating the use of herbal medicines over synthetic products. There are also a large number of research organizations which are engaged in studying the efficacy and side effects of such medication.
With time, hopefully more and more herbal medicines would get added to the large list of such medicines already available. Despite the efficacy of majority of herbs, there are also a lot of them which are considered useless. Identifying such bogus ingredients remains a challenge both to the researcher as well as the end-user.
If you are searching for alternative modes of treatment, you would have come across therapy options like homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, etc. Before you take the plunge of practicing such therapy options, it is prudent to take the advice from your doctor. Despite its proven efficacy, majority of the doctors feel that natural medicines are best described as 'supplementary' medication and not the main course of treatment.
One of the biggest differences between natural medicine and modern medicine is that unlike modern drugs, natural medicines need not be administered to cure a disease. It can be used as a health-restorer, as a preventive therapy and also as an immunity booster. Natural medicines help the patient to make good lifestyle choices, have balanced meals, etc. No matter whether you are using natural medicines for a massage or as a supplement, essentially it does one thing for you and that is it changes the way we live life.
Ron is an avid article writer who has written articles for over 3 years. Visit his site that has helpful information on Kava Kava and Colorado Homes For Sale.


Herbal Treatment For Cat Health Complaints - How Do I Get the Best Results?


Herbal Treatment For Cat Health Complaints - How Do I Get the Best Results?
Many enlightened cat owners look to herbal treatment for cat health complaints. They are also using herbal treatments to keep their cat fit and healthy so that it can avoid getting these health complaints in the first place. This article examines how you can get the most out of herbal treatment for cat health.
1. Holistic approach to cat health
You need to look at all aspects of your cat's health and not just one complaint in isolation. If your cat is stressed out, eating badly and not getting any exercise, then it is more likely to get sick. Happy, active cats with good diets are far less likely to get sick.
2. Herbal treatments work best on healthy cats
Following on from the point above, if your cat is in fine condition, the herbal treatments that you give him or her will be of much greater benefit. You are helping your cat's own immune system fight back. If this was strong beforehand, then the fightback is going to be all the more pronounced.
3. Prevention is better than cure
Prevention is where herbal treatments are really at their most effective. Keeping your cat healthy keeps him or her away from illnesses and health complaints. You need to plan ahead and think about how you are going to keep kitty healthy, all year round. Pet fleas? Pet constipation? Pet diarrhea? Parasites? Stress? What is your approach to tackling these eventualities?
4. Keep to regular dosing
When your cat is taking herbal supplements it's vital that you keep the dosing regular. It takes a little while for herbal treatments to take effect, so don't expect immediate results. Depending on the goal, it can take a few days or weeks for the benefits to be realised.
5. Don't be afraid to use the vet in case of emergencies
You cannot rely on herbal treatments for absolutely every single potential health problem that your cat might endure. There is a time for herbal treatment for cat health and there is a time for taking kitty to the vet. One does not exclude the other, so use your common sense to pick the appropriate course of action.
I hope that these hints help you get the most out of herbal treatment for cat health. It's important to ensure that you have a proactive approach to keeping kitty healthy. For example, do you have a plan for how you are going to avoid her getting fleas? What are you doing to ensure her digestive health? A healthy cat is a happy cat.
Get proactive today. Look at our pet health advice page for products that will help to keep kitty healthy all year round.
And then sign up to our mailing list and we'll show you how to keep kitty healthy using herbal remedies all year round.
herbal treatment for cat.


Improve Your Health With Herbal Life Vitamins


Improve Your Health With Herbal Life Vitamins
If you're even remotely interested in improving your overall health and fitness levels through vitamins, supplements and minerals then chances are you've heard of Herbal Life. Just in case you haven't, Herbal Life is a very large, worldwide diet and nutrition company. Since the early nineteen eighties they have been helping people to lose weight and supplying them with health products. Their products are now available in Canada the UK and the US. They supply a wide range of health and diet related products and herbal life vitamins. Although they supply a good range of vitamins they are not medical experts so you should always check with your doctor to find out which are the best vitamins for you to take.
If you are thinking that you need to become a bit healthier, then you should also think about improving your diet and working out regularly. In addition to this you might want to take some herbal life vitamins or supplements to make sure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients. There is no quick and easy way of getting healthy, but if you eat well and get a bit more exercise then you will be well on your way to making some improvements.
A lot of people think that it is just enough to take some herbal life vitamins and that it will make a real difference to their health, but you need to eat well and work out to see the real benefits. Of course most of us don’t really want to change our lifestyles completely, but if you just make a few changes at first and then a few more later on will be surprised at how it all adds up and fairly soon you will begin to see some real benefits.
If you are thinking of changing you diet or starting to do more exercise then it is always a good idea to see your doctor first. If they give you a check up they will be able to give you a better idea of what you need to change in order to improve your levels of health and fitness and if you need to just improve your diet or if it would be good for you to take some herbal life vitamins to maintain your levels of vitamins and minerals.
If you are thinking of increasing your exercise or of changing your diet it is a good idea to begin slowly, if you try to do everything at the same time then you are much more likely to be put off. So start slowly and see your doctor first and you could be on the way to becoming a lot healthier.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of VitaminSupplementsGuide.com He provides more information on anti-aging supplements, dietary supplements, vitamin A and answers the question what's a good multivitamin that you can research in your pajamas on his website.


Herbal Remedies For a Healthy Thyroid


Herbal Remedies For a Healthy Thyroid
Your thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located at the base of your throat and it is part of your endocrine system. The thyroid is responsible for converting heat, with comes from the calories you consume, into energy. This is, in essence, the process of regulating your basal metabolism.

It is vitally important to your health that this gland remains in good working order so that it can continue to produce the correct level of hormones to ensure optimum body function. The master gland in you endocrine system is the pituitary gland. This has the job of telling the thyroid when and how much hormone to produce. If the thyroid is not functioning correctly however, then this can impact your well being.

There are many differing factors that can influence the thyroid such as stress, exposure to toxins, pesticides, chemicals or perhaps radiation. Not unlike the rest of your body, the thyroid requires a healthy diet to continue to function at it's best. Iodine is particularly important as well as amino acids from poultry and fish.
How can herbal remedies help your thyroid?

Today's herbal remedies for the thyroid are specifically designed to work in harmony with your body to aid the thyroid in producing the correct amount of hormone. It has been stated the many people are actually quite unaware of the vital role this little gland has to play in their overall health.
The best of these supplements tend to contain Nori, a nutrient rich sea vegetable and bovine powders of thyroid and adrenaline. The blend is designed to enhance thyroid function and the formulation makes the ingredients bio-available.

Please visit herbalhealthhome.com for more information on herbal remedies and in particular thyromine for thyroid supplements.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_S_Scott


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Easy Steps For Making Delicious Herbal Tea

Easy Steps For Making Delicious Herbal Tea

Making herbal tea is simple. There are many herbs that are routinely used as tea. Chamomile, mint, lemon balm... they all make delicious tea. Herbal teas can be made with a single herb or with a combination of herbs for a more complex taste. Herbal teas have the benefit of not only great taste, but can have many health benefits. Single teas like chamomile or red raspberry leaf are often taken for their beneficial qualities. Chamomile helps you relax and promotes a good night's sleep. Red raspberry leaf is good for toning the reproductive organs. Both are also full of nutrients. You can use either fresh or dried parts of the herb.

With chamomile, you use the flowers. Many herbs, like red raspberry, use just the leaves. You will need more of the fresh herb than if using dried herbs. Use one-half to one teaspoon of fresh herb to one cup of hot water.
Heat up your water to just below boiling. Put the herbs in and let them steep five to ten minutes. This will produce a tea that contains many of the important compounds found in the herb. Strain your tea before drinking and add honey, if you prefer to sweeten your tea. Many people prefer to drink their herb tea without sweetening.

Peppermint is a soothing and cooling tea. Mint comes in many varieties including apple, chocolate and orange. Mint tea can be enjoyed as it helps you relieve headaches, colds, insomnia and abdominal pains. Lemon balm is related to mint. It is mild and gentle with a light lemon flavor. It is also beneficial when you are feeling a little down in the dumps. Another mint relative, catnip, makes a wonderfully relaxing tea.
Other herbs may need to be ordered from a supplier since they are not commonly grown in the garden. Two that come to mind, include alfalfa and stinging nettle. Both of these herbs are very nutritious and offer vitamins and minerals that help your body remain healthy. Alfalfa, for instance, contains vitamin K, which helps your blood clot effectively. These two herbs have a green flavor. They can be mixed together or they can be used as single herb tea.

Even if you buy herbal teas at the store already packaged in the form of tea bags, you can enjoy the wonderful flavors they impart. You may find combinations with hibiscus flowers, rose hips, peppermint, lemon, orange peel and many other exciting ingredients. However, it is easy to make them yourself. If you look around, you can find loose herbal teas available that are much better than what you can get from a teabag. Experiment a bit using either single flavor or combination and adjust the strength to your particular taste. Put your loose tea inside a 'tea ball' before dropping it in the hot water. A tea ball is usually made of perforated metal or fine mesh screen, sometimes in unusual shapes such as a miniature teapot or animal shape. It is important to be sure the tea ball is made of good grade stainless steel so as to prevent the ball from rusting. Also available are fine mesh muslin individual bags with a tie string, but these are for single use only (you use them once and toss in the trash). Either way, a tea ball may be used in a teapot or individual cup to keep the leaves from being left in your tea when you are done steeping. Quite convenient!

Herb tea can also be chilled and served as iced tea. Many herb teas make delicious cold teas. Blackberry tea, for example, is made of dried blackberry leaves. It is delightful when it is chilled. Experiment a bit and see what you like best.

Carl Olsen is an herb enthusiast who loves teaching others about herb gardening. For more great information on growing your own herbal tea garden, visit http://www.theherbgardenguide.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Olsen


What Are the Benefits of Taking Herbal Turmeric?


What Are the Benefits of Taking Herbal Turmeric?

According to ancient tradition the turmeric herb benefits the digestive system and can be used to treat ailments, such as ulcers, heartburn, colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. According to modern studies, it can be used for much more than that, but only if the problem of bioavailability is addressed.

Bioavailability is something that researchers must look at when they are investigating new drugs or making recommendations for nutrient supplementation. It’s kind of complicated, but here are the basics.

When a compound hits the stomach, it may be degraded by stomach acid. Some of it is likely to end up in the liver, where it would likely be discarded as a toxin or unusable substance. Much of it simply stays in the digestive system, where it would be discarded along with fiber and other non absorbable foodstuff.

If the compound makes it to the upper intestine and the molecules are small enough, it can pass through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. The turmeric herb benefits have been questioned, except for those that have to do with digestive disorders, because it is rapidly degraded by stomach acid and very little ends up in the bloodstream. Researchers say that it has low bioavailability.

There are three ways to address the issue of low bioavailability. Supplement manufacturers can increase the dose, include piperine or add an enteric coating to the tablet. Most manufacturers choose to increase the dose, because that is the cheapest alternative, but it is not without side effects.

The most active component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin has anti coagulant and chelating activity. A chelating agent helps rid the body of toxic heavy metals, but at high doses can interfere with iron metabolism, which could cause anemia.

Acting as a chelating agent is one of the turmeric herb benefits, specifically related to the liver, but interfering with iron metabolism is not a good thing for anyone. As an anti coagulant, a high dose could cause intestinal bleeding and reduce the body’s ability to clot after surgery or injury. Obviously, increasing the dosage is not the best choice.

Adding piperine is a good idea, because it has been shown to increase bioavailability by 2000 . Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that has numerous health benefits of its own and has been shown to increase the bioavailability of a variety of other nutrients.

But, if you want the most turmeric herb benefits and the lowest possibility of adverse reactions, you will choose a supplement that includes piperine, along with an enteric coating. If you want even more, you will choose a multi nutritional supplement that includes the extract.

Our bodies need nutrients to survive. Research continues to show that a variety of nutrients and plant extracts improve the body’s ability to heal, resist infection and reduce the risk of degenerative and life threatening diseases. Taking the right supplement can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease; Alzheimer’s and type II diabetes. Those are some of the possible turmeric herb benefits, as long as it can get to the bloodstream.

Author Resource:- Valerie Rosenbaum has spent several years researching every anti aging supplement she could find. As a result of that effort she has found what she believes to be the best anti-aging supplements available. Learn about what she discovered at her website http://www.NaturalBalanceSupplements.com
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Tips In Buying Safe Herbal Supplements


Tips In Buying Safe Herbal Supplements

Herbal and nutritional products are health supplements that are derived from plants, and are touted to help treat and/or prevent diseases. However, when a herbal supplement is marketed as "natural" on the labels, it doesn't totally ensure its safety, efficacy, or purity.

Although there are herbal products that have been tested to possess health benefits, some have potentially harmful effects to users. Market observers note that there are an estimated 18 million adults who use herbs in some form, and the sale of these supplements continues to quickly rise.

Herbal Supplements Help Augment Your Diet

It is a fact that most herbal medications help to augment your diet. However, given the scarcity of controls and lax industry regulations, it would be considered a gamble to trust that any herbal dietary or nutritious supplements you may take will contain all the ingredients and would give the same intensity as it may claim. This is sad fact, as billions are spent on these products that may, for all we know, have only fillers or starch in them, and we often hear a lot of horror stories regarding herbal supplement fraud and hoaxes.

Exercise Extra Caution When Choosing A Herbal Medication

According to health safety advisers, many claims about herbal products are often based on folklore or hearsay instead of proven scientific studies. It is vital for consumers to read reliable information and research on unbiased sources of research, whenever possible.

Since herbal supplements are not standardized, the same herb or plant material may be found in different products and in varying amounts and this could be quite dangerous, as it may lead to toxic levels that can cause dangerous reactions in the body. It would be wise not to assume that "natural" would mean product is outright safe to take. If you are pondering on using herbal treatments as an alternative to prescription drugs, you need to be certain that the supplements you are taking meet quality standards and are not fly-by-night stuff.

Tips In The Properly Use Of Herbal Medications

- Do not take herbal supplements if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as there is no way to verify what level of herbs may be harmful to a fetus or nursing infant.

- Always remember not to give herbal products to children under 3 years of age. Always consult with your child's pediatrician first.

- Do not apply self-treatment methods to serious medical conditions with medicinal herbs.

- Purchase herbal supplements that display an expiration date, as well as a lot or batch number.

- The herbal product should state which part of the plant was utilized, such as root, leaf, or blossom.

- If a blend of ingredients is used in a herbal medication, the label should list the individual ingredients as well as the amount used.

Be Sure A Supplement Is FDA-Approved

Although you usually purchase herbal medications that have been tested by one of these organizations, and you see a seal or certificate, or the approval by the FDA, you simply cannot rely on these products for counteracting poor and unhealthy habits. You should remember that there is no medication that will work as well as changing your dietary lifestyle.

There are safe and tested herbal products available for certain conditions that help people supplement their diets. Aside from herbal weight loss products, there are also products for women's health, skin care and general health.

http://primeherbal.com - Prime Herbal


Herbal Nutrition For Immune System Health

Herbal Nutrition For Immune System Health

If you take care of your immune system, it will take care of you. It is designed to protect you from disease. A healthy immune system is the key to the prevention and treatment of disease. The key to a healthy system is proper intake of nutritious elements.

The vitamins and minerals contained in herbs are vital to health. They supply the herbal nutrition which the cells use to strengthen resistance to disease. Herbs are natural, healing medicine with numerous health benefits.

The specific regions of the human body that are associated with the immune system involve the blood, the bowels, the circulation, nervous system and the thymus gland.

There are many ways to strengthen your immunity. Eating properly is one of them. Every nutrient affects the this system. Zinc is vital for keeping the immune system healthy.

Proper nutrition is crucial to keeping a clean blood stream, which keeps the immune system in tip top health. When toxins circulate around in the blood stream they can poison the cells which diminish immunity to disease causing a person to feel sick and run down. Keeping your blood stream clean with proper foods and herbs is extremely important.

"Intestinal toxemia" is brought on by eating the wrong amounts and types of food. These are foods which certain bacteria grow vigorously on and produce toxins. The toxins are then carried through the blood stream to the rest of your body. Symptoms of "intestinal toxemia" include fatigue, gastrointestinal conditions, headaches, nervousness, skin problems and others.

Good circulation is also essential to the health of our immunity. It is responsible for increasing blood supply to the entire body and the heart muscle. Proper diet, exercise and stress management are three key factors that help protect the heart to ensure it does not give out before its time.

The nervous system connects the body to the outside world and reacts to the environment. It controls all the functions of the body and regulates the activities of all the other body systems.

The thymus is the master gland of the immune system. It is responsible for producing white blood cells, the cells of the immune system that protect our bodies against both infectious disease and foreign materials.

Stress removes nutrients from our bodies at an astonishing rate. In a sense, stress is a toxin, because it causes free radicals to form in the body.

Herbs can help relax the body, without side effects. The herb passion flower will relieve the effects of stress. It is a natural tranquilizer and will relax tension in the nervous system and helps to control high blood pressure. It tones the nerve centers, improves circulation and gives nutrition to feed the nerves. It contains passiflorine, which is similar in effect to morphine, however, it is non-narcotic and there is no possibility of addiction.

Severe emotional stress can cause shrinkage of the thymus gland.

Herbs that protect the immune system are known as "sulfur herbs". They contain the element sulfur which dissolves acids in the system. In addition they act as antiseptics and strengthen the blood and tissues.

Herbs For Immunity

Astragalus, Burdock, Capsicum, Catnip, Chaparral, Comfrey, Echinacea, Fennel, Garlic, Juniper Berries, Kelp, Licorice, Lobelia, Mullein, Parsley, Plaintain, Sarsaparilla, Shepherd's Purse, and Stinging Nettle.

Edith Lingenfelter - webmaster of Age-old Herbs shows how "self defense" is natures oldest law and how to prevent your health concerns with natural healing herbs with herbal nutrition supplements. For better health and well being visit http://www.age-oldherbs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edith_Lingenfelter


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Privacy Policy for herbal-health-solutions.blogspot.com

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Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

Of all the uses that herbs have, the favorite use by most people is tea. The enjoyment of making the tea and drinking it seems relaxing in itself. Herbal teas have been used for decades as a medicinal treatment.

Creating a tea for medicinal purposes is basically the same as for culinary taste and enjoyment. The ritual that goes into preparing the tea is sometimes the best medicine of all. Slowing the body and mind down has great health benefits. My favorite tea is from China and as the dried tea leaves steep they open into beautiful petals. Perfect for slowing the mind down and mediating to. Holding the warm cup and inhaling the aroma is soothing and medicinal in nature.

The ritual or process of making tea for medicinal purposes are pretty much the same. Most herbalist will recommend that you use an ounce of herb to a pint of water and steep for 10 - 20 minutes. As a rule of thumb, if you are using fresh herbs verse dried herbs the amount of fresh herbs is double what the recipe calls for in dried herbs.

Depending on what part of the herb that is being used to make the tea will have more of a role in how the tea is prepared than the difference between culinary and medicinal. If you are using the flowers or leaves the procedure will be the same as they tend to hold the healing virtues as a tea. However, if the root or bark is being used, more than just steeping is needed. In most cases you need to actual boil the root or bark for three ot five minutes before steeping the normal 10 - 20 minutes. In either case, you will want to strain the tea before drinking it.

In preparing medicinal tea it is import to ensure that as much of the medicinal qualities are captured in the water as possible, therefore, most herbalist will recommend that you cover the tea as it steeps to capture any of the herbs benefits from being evaporated into the air.

Some of the more commonly known teas of today that are used for medicinal purposes are chamomile which is good for digestion and disposition, borage tea which is good for relieving stress, rosemary tea which relieves headaches and colds, sage tea helps with colds and fever, and catnip tea which can alleviate colic.

The medicinal tea's that can be used is as long as the history of tea itself.

Bright blessings,
Ashira is a Practicing Pagan for over 15 years. Currently she is a featured columnist at http://Asknow.com
The Witches' Child Author
Bacon Bits Author
FFWA Member
Cassel Network of Writers Member

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashira_R


Benefits of Herbal Vinegars For Your Health

Benefits of Herbal Vinegars For Your Health

Herbal vinegars are loaded with super nutrition to prevent and even reverse many ailments. Apple cider vinegar promotes health and well-being. When you infuse herbs in the vinegar for long periods of time, you get more of the minerals from that herb than you normally would otherwise. These are not the culinary vinegars with a few sprigs of herbs. These are herbal vinegars that are made with a jar packed full of the herb and vinegar and usually allowed to infuse for 6 weeks or more.

The way vinegar benefits our health is that it pulls vitamins and minerals out of the herbs and other vegetables like greens and broccoli, so your body can utilize it more easily. In fact, when you splash a tablespoon of vinegar on your greens, the calcium is increased by one-third! One tablespoon of vinegar has the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk. So you can take a daily dose of vinegar as a bone builder!

Apple cider vinegar improves blood pressure, prevents and reverses osteoporosis, normalizes thyroid, improves digestion and gets rid of gray hair and wrinkles. When you infuse the herb in the vinegar you get all the minerals of that herb ready to assimilate in your diet. In fact, when you use herbal vinegars every day, you will no longer need to take vitamin and mineral supplements, which can be difficult to assimilate.

Common herbs used to infuse vinegar are apple mint, burdock, catnip, chives, chicory, dandelion, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, lavender, mugwort, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, thyme and yarrow.

To use these herbal vinegars you can add them to soups, beans, grains, salad dressings, vegetables, sliced cucumbers, potato salad, greens, tomato sauce and stir fry dishes. You can also marinate meat and fish in herbal vinegars or just sprinkle some on the meat while it is cooking or grilling. Just use herbal vinegar in any recipe you would use regular vinegar.

Want to know more about how to boost your immune system? Traditional diets and how to prepare them, healthy fats, herbal remedies and debunking health myths are some of the subjects covered in The Natural Living Site Newsletter at http://thenaturallivingsite.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shanna_Ohmes


Health Benefits of Herbal Medicine

Health Benefits of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicines are increasingly becoming the choice of most patients nowadays. The promise of preserving the natural qualities that promote a healthier method of healing different ailments contributed to the popularity of these medicines. Moreover, as these types of medicines are grown wild or can be tendered at one's home backyard, it is cheaper as compared to manufactured medicines.

What really are herbal medicines and how do we benefit from them?

Herbal medicine is the alternative for commercially manufactured medicines, which are already made available in the market. The herbal medicine differs from modern medicines as it is produced with 100% content of natural plant extract believed to have medicinal values as effective as the modern drugs less the side effects and less the cost. There are popular herbal plants in the Philippines widely used today to treat various illnesses, which includes ampalaya, bayabas, sambong, banaba, luyang dilaw and others. These are among the approved and recommended herbal medicines of the Department of Health. Given this, there are benefits that can already be identified affirming the belief of the DOH on the effectiveness of these medicines as follows:

· All-Natural Qualities. At this point, when many of commercially available products have adverse effects to the very health that we are trying to protect, the safest bet would be the products that come and are processed the natural way. In choosing these products, we lessen the risk and our exposure to these negative effects.

· Easily Available. In tropical countries like the Philippines, we have an abundance of these plants and herbs. We have access to the raw materials that we need for the preparations and concoctions required for the herbal preparation. For instance, bayabas, ampalaya, luya, and malunggay are considered as backyard plants. They are home-grown plants and do not require much attention. Thus, they are readily available and cheap. It is only necessary to educate the Filipino families which herbal plants to prepare for which ailment, so that every Filipino family can enjoy the benefits of natural remedy.

· Effective. Herbal plants are scientifically studied to support the benefits claimed to contain in each plant. These studies are recognized and acknowledged by the medical community to have proven effectiveness recommended to treat multitude of illnesses. Ampalaya, for example, is known to contain elements for anti-diabetes. This claim for the effectiveness of ampalaya as an aid to treat diabetes had been clinically proven by several researches that have identified ampalaya to contain plant insulin that lowers the patient's blood sugar and, also normalizes the production of insulin in the body.

· Easy to prepare. Many of the herbal medicines that are recommended and are known to have medicinal values are very easy to prepare. Bayabas and lagundi, for example, have uses that merely require the direct application of the leaves to the affected area. Also, decoctions usually require mere boiling of the plants' leaves and roots. These processes evidently show that we do not really have to be dependent on commercially-manufactured medicines, because preparing herbal treatments really do not take much trouble.

· Practical and cost-effective. Aside from all the benefits that have been identified herein, there is one more advantage for using and patronizing herbal medicines - it is cost-effective thereby, it is a practical option. These preparations are considerably cheaper than those chemically manufactured drugs, and more importantly, the results are the same as these modern medicines. It had been discussed that these plants, may be homegrown, or found in the wild abundantly. Therefore, it is much cheaper than the modern medicines manufactured by giant pharmaceuticals, and sold at pharmacies.

Arnold A. Alvarez is the webmaster and author of Philippine Herbal Medicine Site and other reference Philippine Websites.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arnold_Alvarez


Herbal Health Care - Use Nature For Treatment

Herbal Health Care - Use Nature For Treatment

In order to get rid of the pain or fortify the organism people have turned to nature for remedies. This practice, of seeking the best plants that will help the body get stronger and fight any kind disease, dates from ancient times, when people discovered a lot of herbs with strong curative properties. The Sumerians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Chinese and the Hebrews have all used herbal remedies in the cure of the diseases which they were faced with.

As time passed by, people forgot about the positive effects of the natural ingredients and chose instead the medicines prescribed by the modern doctors. Yet, the tendency of turning back to nature and use at maximum its products is increased.

People are realizing that the nature has more to offer to those willing to try complementary and alternative medication. Following the newly set trend of going green, people choose their medication in accordance with their credo that there is nothing better than using products based on herbs and other such natural ingredients.

Following the same trend, a lot of companies have started to produce medicines, alimentary suppliers and cosmetic products based solely on herbs or from herbs combined with other substances, usually of natural origin too. Usually, the companies advertise their products as being the modern form of the ancient medication. Connections with different cultures and lifestyles are sometimes invoked, such as Tibetan and Chinese cultures and assurances are given that the products follow closely the traditional receipts passed from generation to generation.

As previously mentioned there are numerous companies that produce natural remedies. Most of them have their origin in India and China, but other countries are represented, too. The most famous such company from America is called Himalaya Herbal Health care and delivers its products inside the USA, as well as in other countries. There are companies situated in Europe which also have produce natural remedies from herbs. One such company is located in London and it is called Greenleaves Herbal Care.

The internet has contributed significantly to the spread of the naturist products and diets by means of the online stores. They are available to anybody interested in such products and they have the advantage of being delivered to the address indicated by the buyer. In addition to that, there are specialized forums from which people can find out the benefices and the disadvantages of a certain product.

However, not all the naturist products are really effective. The herbs used in the fabrication of such naturist products are not always good or carefully selected. That is why it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking any kind of pill that could harm you instead of curing.

Thanate Tan is a Blogaholic and also like to help our Earth with going green campaign.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thanate_Tan

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